Auto Collision Repair

Restoring damaged vehicles takes equal parts craftsmanship, precision, and a strong work ethic. Hone your craft in our million-dollar auto collision lab and leave with the skills you need to start a great career.

Academy Locations

SCC West Burlington Campus

Fall 24 CRR-100 Intro to the Collision Repair & Refinishing Industry
ENG-100 Writing for the Workplace
Spring 25 CRR-106 Fundamentals of Collision Repair & Refinishing
MAT-702 Introduction to Math Applications

For complete details about courses available at your high school, contact your guidance counselor.

What can I do after high school?

Keep going!

Once you've credits in the career academy, finish up your degree at SCC. See how the coursework you've completed can be applied to your college degree.

SCC Auto Collision Repair

Plan or start your career

Explore careers available in your field of study. Research salaries, job outlook, related careers, and more using our Career & Program Explorer tool.

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Contact Us

Michael Conrad

High schools served:
Burlington, Notre Dame, VIBE, Mediapolis, and Wapello
(319) 208-5720

April Gerst

High schools served:
West Burlington, Danville, New London, Ft Madison, Holy Trinity, home school and out-of-state
(319) 208-5277

Abby Herriman

High schools served:
Central Lee, Keokuk, Clark County, home school and out-of-state
(319) 313-1929