- Lean Certification
- Business Bookkeeping
- Early Childhood Certificate
- Supervision Certificate
- Paraeducator Certificate
- Computer Skills in the Workplace Level I & Level II Certificate
- Basic Industrial Maintenance Technology Certificate (BIMT)
- PLC Core Skills Certificate
- Welding Certificates
- Truck Driving Certificate
Supervision Certificate
Leader, manager, supervisor, team leader -no matter what your official title, you're expected to get the job done through others.
This course provides new or experienced supervisors with the tools and skills for building confidence in their leadership role.
Join the hundreds of supervisors in southeast Iowa that have benefited from this interactive and comprehensive program. Three hours per week for 12 weeks to earn your certificate!
Twelve core learning solutions to address the recurring management challenges every leader confronts on a daily basis.
Supervision Essentials
Essentials Skills of Leadership | Communicating Up |
Essential Skills of Communication | Delegating |
Coaching Job Skills | Effective Discipline |
Improving Work Habits | Resolving Conflict |
Developing Performance Goals & Standards | Managing Complaints |
Providing Performance Feedback | Supporting Change |
This workshop builds a foundation that enables supervisors to manage their team toward a shared goal: achieving the organizations’ strategic objectives.
Essential Skills of Communication
This workshop helps supervisors and managers learn the latest techniques in developing effective communication skills – improving performance and increasing the productivity of the team and the organization.
Coaching Job Skills
Managers and supervisors will get help learning how to effectively coach individuals through a process of observation, analysis and communication.
Improving Work Habits
Participants learn to clearly and specifically communicate the nature of the problem. It provides a process for working with an individual to develop a plan for addressing the issue while maintaining self-esteem.
Developing Performance Goals
Unless managers and supervisors are successful in spelling out the organization's specific goals, employees are not going to know how to meet those objectives. This module shows participants how to establish specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented and time-framed goals.
Providing Performance Feedback
This module uses proven evaluation techniques. Relevant performance standards are established. Team member's own performance evaluation is solicited. This sets the stage for an evaluation that is clear and credible to the employee.
Communicating Up
Participants learn the importance of upward communication, and accepting responsibility for the quality and effectiveness of the messages. In this module participants will learn how to frame communication so that a desired result is achieved.
In this module, participants master the skills needed to effectively assign work to others. By clearly communicating expectations and encouraging others, participants can delegate to develop employees’ skills and abilities.
Effective Discipline
Learn effective techniques for addressing problem behavior. This module presents skill points that
preserve the individual's self-respect and encourage the best kind of discipline – self discipline.
Resolving Conflicts
At this workshop participants develop skills to identify the source of employee conflict. Using effective communication and management techniques, they can help individuals understand another point of view and move beyond conflict.
Managing Complaints
Managers and supervisors frequently hear employee complaints. Some may seem unimportant, but all must be addressed and resolved. Participants learn to resolve simple complaints and identify hidden agendas behind chronic grievances.
Supporting Change
Managers and supervisors learn to understand and interpret change. Understanding and communicating change can reduce misunderstanding and anxiety. If also helps the change initiative gain acceptance more quickly – minimizing lost productivity and decreased performance.
Online Option: Vital Learning Supervision Certificate is available online. Call (319) 208-5376 for more information.
Learn more about tuition assistance and other support services through PACE.
Contact Us
Center for Business (CBIZ)
610 North Fourth Street
River Park Place, Suite 220
Burlington, Iowa 52601
Phone: (319) 208-5375
Email: cbiz@scciowa.edu