SCC's Jump Start program is an excellent opportunity for students who are ready to begin work on college courses while in high school.

Students that are enrolled in these classes are held to the same expectations as any other college student. College coursework requires a high degree of focus, determination and personal responsibility than what your student may have encountered thus-far.

Here are some things to consider as you decide if Jump Start classes are for you.

Am I ready to take college classes?

If you think you're ready to take college classes, you'll need to be ready for the responsibility that comes with them.

College coursework will be more difficult than what you have experienced in high school. Responsibility and time management play a large role in your future college success.

Key to being successful in college is to develop good time management, study skills and communication skills. Resources are available to help you be successful but it is up to you to seek them out.

How do I apply for Jump Start class?

Talk to you high school counselor or your high school student success advocate to see which classes are available to you. Different classes may require slightly different steps before you can enroll.

Apply for Jump Start classes

What if I need help with my classes?

We want you to be successful but you have to put in the work. If you need help, seek out a teacher, counselor, or your high school student success advocate.

Don't wait until the problem is too big. Tutoring is available at no cost to SCC students through the Academic Achievement Center.

How does SCC communicate with me about my classes and my student account?

The primary means of communication from SCC to students is via email. It is very important that you regularly check your SCC email.

Be sure to know your student username and password. Not only is that how you access your email, it's how you access student resources on Hawknet and Canvas.

It's also important that we have your current phone number. To update your number in our system, contact your student success advocate.

SCC email and help desk

Do my Jump Start classes carry over to my college record?

Yes. Grades you earn in SCC Jump Start classes will stay on your college transcript throughout your academic career. Grades effect your college GPA and your ability to receive financial aid.

Can I just drop a class if it's not working out?

We highly recommend talking to your student success advocate if you're considering dropping a class. It's important that you understand your options and implications before you decide.

Dropping a class after the designated drop date will result in a withdrawal (W) on your transcript. Too many W's can affect future financial aid. Students need to complete 67 percent of their credits (not courses) and maintain a 2.0 GPA. Failing to do so can also negatively affect their future financial aid.

How do Jump Start classes count toward my college degree after I finish high school?

Many Jump Start courses fulfill general education requirements that can be used for any degree you choose. Other courses are elective credits that are degree specific. Don't take more than one course in a category unless you have genuine interest and/or know how it applies to a degree. If you're not sure what that means, talk to your school counselor or your high school student success advocate.

Contact Us

Michael Conrad

High schools served:
Burlington, Notre Dame, VIBE, Mediapolis, and Wapello
(319) 208-5720

April Gerst

High schools served:
West Burlington, Danville, New London, Ft Madison, Holy Trinity, home school and out-of-state
(319) 208-5277

Abby Herriman

High schools served:
Central Lee, Keokuk, Clark County, home school and out-of-state
(319) 313-1929